Permanent recruitment

Finding the right people by paying attention to detail and understanding your business.

Houston, we have a problem. It’s not always easy to pinpoint what the problem is but if it’s productivity, growth or morale, it very often comes down to staffing issues. Have you got enough of the right people? Who are the right people? Where do you find them?

And yes, we get it. Recruitment may previously have left you wanting to eat your own liver. It can feel like there’s an ever-shrinking pool of talent or that you’re competing in a tougher and tougher market.

The good news is that we obsess about finding the right person, so you don’t have to. We just won’t settle for OK. We’re mightily smug about our success rate too and we achieve this by getting a detailed understanding of what you need.

It has been a real pleasure working with RSE with our picking staff recruitment since our first harvest. They have eased the process of finding harvest pickers, providing us with the required numbers of keen local workers.

Vineyard Manager Rathfinny Wine Estate
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The process

We get pretty hands on, not least because we know that you probably haven’t got much time. So, we:

  • Talk to you and ask lots of questions
  • Write the job spec, making sure it’s compelling
  • Tap into a number of different resources to find good candidates
  • Screen all candidates and prepare candidate profiles before interview
  • Organise the interviews and help with any pre -interview prep
  • Attend and assist the interviews if it helps
  • Carry out background and reference checks

This isn’t about getting bums on seats. This is about helping you achieve whatever goals you may have, short and long term.

Recent case study

Chapel Down Vineyards

Supplying large numbers of local, seasonal workers in a post-Brexit world to meet harvest demands.

Read the full story
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Our core values


The more we know, the better we can help. It’s that simple. If we don’t ask you lots of questions, we’re not doing our job.


We may not be big, but we are bold. We’ll challenge your assumptions. We’ll think creatively. But we’re always constructive.


Discretion is a must. You need to know you can be totally open and honest with us. And you can.
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